World cities at the forefront of environmental initiatives

World cities at the forefront of environmental initiatives

Have you ever wondered why certain cities become symbols of environmental cleanliness and safe living? What efforts and initiatives allow them to remain at the top of the world rankings? And most importantly, what environmental initiatives are supported by the majority of their population? Now we will try to find answers to these questions, based on examples of such megacities as:

  • Oslo
  • Hague
  • Tokyo
  • NY
  • Copenhagen
  • London

Let’s look at what exactly makes these cities environmentally friendly and what efforts they make to maintain the natural environment and ensure the comfort of their residents.

Oslo (Norway)

As you know, Oslo, the capital of Norway, is considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe. This is facilitated by a number of successful environmental initiatives being implemented in the city. In Oslo, the construction of energy-efficient houses is actively developing, the number of cars on the roads is decreasing, and bees are even bred on the roofs of some buildings.

However, that’s not all. Evening Oslo is lit with highly efficient high-pressure sodium lamps, saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the city has special tolls aimed at reducing the number of cars on the streets.

A big part of Oslo’s success is its Energy from Waste program, which generates energy from recycling more than 70% of its waste. These efforts make Oslo environmentally sustainable and an inspiring example for other cities around the world.

The Hague (Netherlands)

One of the largest cities in the Netherlands is proud of its green taxi service. The entire fleet consists exclusively of electric vehicles, which helps reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Visitors, as tourists, have the opportunity to call a taxi by phone, simply raise their hand on the street and hail a green taxi, or even book a full tour of The Hague using these eco-friendly cars.

Tokyo (Japan)

In the past, especially in the 50s to 70s, Japan suffered from serious environmental problems and was considered one of the most polluted countries in the world. However, in modern times, Japan can confidently be called a country of ecology. Over the past decades, it has successfully implemented various environmental initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.

An example of such initiatives is the efficient water supply system used in the capital of Japan, Tokyo. It is based on the latest technologies and modern methods for monitoring emergency situations, which can significantly reduce possible water losses in the city. In addition, the Department of Environment of the Tokyo Government organizes regular free educational courses on urban planning based on the principles of sustainable development, biodiversity and green energy use.

These measures have made Japan a model country in the field of environmental protection and serve as an example for many other countries seeking to improve their environmental conditions.

New York (USA)

On July 1, 2015, a law prohibiting the use of polystyrene foam came into effect in New York City and the state of the same name. This law applies to all food service establishments that previously used disposable foam containers for food packaging, product delivery, in-store packaging, and other purposes. Thus, New York became the largest city in the United States to support and implement this initiative.

Copenhagen (Denmark)

Back in the 1960s, the roads of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, were crowded with cars, which polluted the air with large amounts of gas emissions. However, today Copenhagen can be called one of the most comfortable cities to live in. Here, much attention is paid to pedestrian and bicycle zones, which replace automobile roads.

Moreover, the city government has announced its ambitious goal of making Copenhagen the world’s first carbon-neutral city by 2050. Active steps are being taken in this direction to improve the environmental situation. In addition, there is a law that requires the level of landscaping to be taken into account when constructing new buildings. This has led to the creation of mini-parks and gardens on the roofs of many buildings in the city, where residents and visitors of the city can enjoy nature and fresh air.

London, (Great Britain)

The capital of Great Britain and the birthplace of Shakespeare, London, is actively implementing environmental initiatives aimed at reducing harm to the environment. For example, the city hall has implemented strict environmental standards for all cars in the city center. This means that cars that do not comply with Euro 4 (petrol) and Euro 6 (diesel) standards are required to pay an additional fee of between 15 and 116 euros per day, depending on the size of the car.

In addition, disused London Underground lines have been converted into underground routes for pedestrians and cyclists, helping to reduce traffic congestion and improve travel safety for residents. These initiatives are helping to make London a greener and more environmentally friendly metropolis.

Research by our public organization on urban cleanliness is a key part of our work. We strive to ensure that every city becomes a place where clean air, fresh water and healthy nature are available to all its residents.

Our environmental experts examine various aspects of the urban environment, including air quality, water and green areas, pollution levels and many other parameters. We analyze data and identify problem areas where it is necessary to take measures to improve the environmental situation.

Our research not only helps identify problems, but also offers concrete recommendations and solutions for improving the environment in cities. We believe that clean cities are key to the health and well-being of their residents, and we work hard to make every city cleaner and greener.

Environmental challenge: record emissions and atmospheric impacts

Environmental challenge: record emissions and atmospheric impacts

Europe, like the whole world, faces serious environmental challenges and climate change. In recent years, an increase in the release of gases that have a greenhouse effect and which adversely affect the atmosphere and climate of the region has been considered. These record emissions have the potential to have a significant impact on the ecosystem and lives of people in Europe.

The main sources of record emissions in Europe are industry, energy, transport and agriculture. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the main components contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Along with these gases, emissions of aerosols and other pollutants also have an impact on air quality and atmospheric phenomena.

Air pollution and record emissions: implications for Europe

One of the main challenges associated with record emissions is global warming. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause global climate change, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the planet, which in turn causes changes in the weather and climate of Europe. This could lead to more frequent and intense weather events such as heat waves, rainstorms, floods and droughts. All of this has serious impacts on agriculture, ecosystems and society as a whole.

Another serious consequence of record emissions is air pollution. Excessive levels of harmful substances in the atmosphere can cause poor air quality, which can have potentially adverse effects on human and animal health. Respiratory illnesses, allergies and other illnesses may become more common due to air pollution.

However, Europe does not remain inactive in the face of these challenges. The countries of the European Union and other countries in the region are undertaking various programs to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and improve atmospheric quality. One of the key steps is the transition to more environmentally friendly energy sources, such as wind and solar power, as well as improving energy efficiency.

In addition, European countries are actively developing and implementing measures to reduce emissions in the transport and agricultural sectors. This includes encouraging the use of public transport, the development of electric and hybrid vehicles, and the adoption of agricultural practices that reduce emissions.

In addition, cooperation between countries and scientific organizations in the field of climate and ecology is of significant importance in resolving this situation. Sharing knowledge and experience allows us to develop more effective methods for reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.

Record emissions and their impact on the atmosphere in Europe are a major challenge, but with concerted efforts and concentrated action their negative impact can be reduced.

Maintaining sustainable and environmentally friendly energy approaches and sources represents an important step towards a healthier and more sustainable future for the region and the planet.

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is like a “ticking time bomb” in causing climate change. It is caused by rising levels of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane in the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun’s rays and create a similar greenhouse gas effect. As a result, the average temperature on Earth is gradually rising, which can have a catastrophic effect on the climate.

To reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and reduce their negative consequences, it is necessary to increase measures to reduce emissions of these gases, transition to the use of alternative energy sources and increase the efficiency of resource use.

Combating this ticking time bomb is becoming increasingly urgent to ensure climate sustainability and the future of our planet.

Polluted atmosphere in Europe: Differences between East and West

A study conducted by American scientists found that teenagers who inhale particulate matter are at risk of heart rhythm problems. Residents of more polluted areas feel a particularly high risk.

At the global level, South Asia faces the greatest air pollution problems. Countries like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan are on the list of the most polluted regions.

Bangladesh would have lost the opportunity to live an additional 6.8 years if pollution levels were up to standard. In this country, the level of particulate matter (PM2.5) is 74 micrograms per cubic meter.

The capital city with the highest level of air pollution is Delhi, India. The average PM2.5 level here is 126.5. Delhi has been ranked among the most polluted cities for several years in a row.

On the other hand, China has made significant improvements in the fight against air pollution. Since 2013, air pollution levels have decreased by 42%, resulting in an increase in the average life expectancy of Chinese citizens by 2.2 years. Compared to the results of the 2021 report, the country improved its indicators by 13 percentage points, which led to an increase in life expectancy by almost 1 year.

In Europe and North America, air pollution levels are improving at about the same rate. However, there are significant differences between Western and Eastern Europe. Bosnia is considered one of the most polluted countries on the continent.

Smart solutions for the planet: how artificial intelligence supports climate action

Smart solutions for the planet: how artificial intelligence supports climate action

The evolution and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) spans diverse sectors, including healthcare, education and industry, and is happening at a global level. At the same time, AI is beginning to play a significant role in solving one of the most pressing problems of our time – climate change.

According to the United Nations (UN), the use of AI can have a very effective impact on a number of problems, including improving the efficiency of resource management and reducing carbon emissions and conducting research in the field of alternative energy. Artificial intelligence is poised to become a powerful tool in combating climate challenges and helping to create a more sustainable future for our planet.

Key forecasts for the future

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), artificial intelligence holds promise for processing vast amounts of data, which will significantly improve the ability to model and predict climate change. This in turn can help governments create more effective approaches to adapting to climate change and reducing its negative consequences

One example of the use of intelligent systems in this area is a project implemented in the countries of Burundi, Chad and Sudan. This project analyzes historical changes in the environment using AI, which also makes it possible to more accurately predict these changes.

Another example is the MyAnga app, which helps Kenyan herders prepare for periods of drought. It uses data from global weather stations and satellites to provide up-to-date information on weather conditions and climate trends, helping local communities make more informed decisions and adapt to environmental changes.

Reducing the risk of natural disasters

In addition to being able to predict severe weather events, artificial intelligence can also greatly enhance society’s preparation for climate disasters by working to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts and implementing early warning systems.

Such efforts are focused on identifying areas of increased risk and implementing effective response strategies as needed. For example, for areas prone to landslides, the use of such mechanisms provides local authorities with the means to reduce possible threats and ensure the safety of citizens in vulnerable conditions.

Nature and technology abstract concept, robot hand and natural hand covered with grass reaching to each other, tech and nature union, cooperation, 3d rendering

Artificial intelligence also plays a significant role in the innovative Early Warnings for All initiative launched by the UN Secretary-General. This initiative, launched earlier this year, aims to ensure the safety of every person on the planet from hazardous weather and hydrological events.

Level of atmospheric cleanliness in cities

At the moment, there are a variety of applications that provide citizens with access to information about air pollution with high accuracy, down to specific areas and even neighborhoods. This detailed information helps you make quick decisions in everyday life, such as choosing routes with cleaner air or taking steps to improve your health.

Moreover, artificial intelligence helps improve the management of transport infrastructure. Data analysis and optimization of vehicle traffic can reduce the emission of harmful substances and reduce traffic jams, which has a positive effect on air quality in cities. In addition, smart waste management systems help minimize the environmental impact of landfills, promoting cleaner, healthier urban environments.

Artificial intelligence not only improves the quality of life in cities, but also contributes to public health by reducing the negative impact of pollution on residents.

Efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural practices

According to a UN climate change report, agriculture is responsible for about 22 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

However, artificial intelligence can change this dynamic. Through smart grids, artificial intelligence can help balance product supply and demand, facilitating the integration of renewable energy into energy systems and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, AI can optimize agricultural practices for both small farmers and large corporations, reducing losses and reducing environmental impact.