Global Green House is an organization that was setup to respond to the climate challenges of today’s world and to help national governments regulate carbon emissions.

Global climate change has become one of the most pressing environmental issues that the world is focused on addressing. Its consequences are dangerous weather disasters, sudden weather changes, floods, floods, strong winds, heavy rains, hail, droughts, which lead to significant environmental and economic damage around the world. According to the World Meteorological Organisation, the last three years have been the three warmest years on record. Increased unpredictability of weather conditions threatens food production, while rising sea levels increase the risk of natural disasters.

According to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, scientific studies show that climate change as a result of anthropogenic impact since the late nineteenth century is only about one-third related to natural changes, and two-thirds is caused by human activity, in particular, an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Adaptation to global climate change is the process of adjusting natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climate impacts to reduce their negative effects and take advantage of favorable opportunities. In 2015, in Paris, world leaders agreed to limit the global temperature rise to well below 2°C by the end of the century and to take action to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C.

2019 was a year of advocacy for global climate change prevention, with millions of students around the world participating in Fridays for the Future protests calling for decisive action to respond to climate change.

However, efforts to curb global warming are not yielding the desired results. Thus, according to the United Nations, instead of limiting global warming to 1.5°C under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world is now on track to warm up to 3.2°C by 2100. At the same time, greenhouse gas emissions are growing, as the world’s twenty largest countries, which account for about 78% of global greenhouse gas emissions, have largely failed to make the necessary transformational changes.

To date, only 121 countries have committed to being carbon neutral by 2050, accounting for less than 25% of total emissions. None of these countries are among the top five polluters, and few, despite their commitments, have adopted policies that are robust enough to achieve the desired effects. On the business side, only a small number of companies fully disclose their emissions, and even fewer have emissions targets or are in the process of reducing them in line with the Paris Agreement. And while investors have begun to recognise the importance of assessing climate-related risks, much of their decision-making continues to focus on short-term efficiency. At the same time, the intensification of climate change due to the lack of decisive action will require much greater efforts and costs for further adaptation over time.

Global Green House’s works to safeguard both human well-being and our environment.

In its endeavors, Global Green House ensures that:

  • Everyone benefits from pristine air, soil, and water.
  • National strategies for minimizing environmental threats are rooted in cutting-edge scientific data.
  • Regulations aimed at preserving human health and the environment are applied and upheld consistently and efficiently.
  • The ethos of environmental care is embedded within strategies related to natural resources, public health, economic development, energy, transport, agriculture, industry, and global commerce, and these elements reciprocally influence the formation of environmental protocols.
  • Every segment of society – from local communities and individuals to businesses and governmental entities at all levels – is equipped with precise data, empowering them to actively engage in addressing health and environmental challenges.
  • Lands tainted by pollutants and hazardous sites are rejuvenated by accountable entities.
  • Marketed chemicals undergo thorough safety evaluations.

Global Green House Organization

Our Mission:

To counteract the imminent climate challenges confronting our planet and collaborate with national governments in the effective regulation of carbon emissions.

Our Values:

  • Responsible Stewardship: Committing to the protection and preservation of our global environment for present and future generations.
  • Evidence-based Decision Making: Prioritizing actions and strategies based on scientific research and insights from credible bodies like the World Meteorological Organisation and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Collaborative Action: Encouraging a united approach among nations, businesses, and individuals to effectuate tangible change.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Advocating for a more open disclosure of carbon emissions from corporate entities and urging them towards environmental responsibility.
  • Adaptive Resilience: Prioritizing strategies and resources that allow both human and natural systems to adapt to the changing climate and its repercussions.

Our Objectives:

  • Education and Advocacy: Elevate the understanding of global climate change impacts and rally support for preventive measures, as exemplified by global movements like Fridays for the Future.
  • Engage Major Emitters: Intensify efforts to engage with the world’s top polluting nations and businesses to transform their environmental strategies.
  • Promote Adaptation: Facilitate the adaptation process for communities globally, helping them prepare for and respond to the challenges posed by a changing climate.
  • Support Carbon Neutrality Goals: Actively support and collaborate with nations aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050, and ensure the implementation of robust policies that align with the Paris Agreement’s targets.
  • Empower Investors: Offer tools, insights, and resources to the investment community, guiding them to recognize the long-term implications of climate change and prioritize sustainable investments.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly review and assess global progress towards climate change mitigation, offering recommendations and strategies to bridge any gaps in action and desired outcomes.

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