On April 8, the French non-profit environmental organization Surfrider Europe concluded that the current state of water in the Seine River does not allow water sports competitions to be held at the Paris Olympic Games.

Surfrider Europe opposes the Olympic competition in the Seine River: what is the reason

OrganizationSurfrider Europe Categorically against carrying out aquatics competitions at the Olympic Games in Paris.

We are completely against holding swimming competitions or other events in the Seine River due to its current condition. We consider it unacceptable to put the health of Olympic Games participants at risk“, the organization wrote on the social network X (formerly Twitter). Representatives of Surfrider Europe have been monitoring the state of water in the Seine since September 2023. During this time, they took 14 samples from the river for analysis in an independent laboratory. According to them, none of the samples does not meet European water quality standards.In particular, the concentration of E. coli on average exceeds 2 thousand colony-forming units (CFU) per 100 ml, with a norm of 1 thousand CFU, reports the newspaper Le Figaro.

Earlier, on April 4, French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed his willingness to swim in the Seine River, where competitions will be held at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, despite concerns about water quality. In 2023, a test swimming competition on the Seine was canceled due to doubts about the purity of the water, the newspaper Le Figaro noted. Due to deteriorating water conditions, swimming in the river was prohibited back in 1923. However, as the publication points out, these Olympic Games are planning to resume swimming in the Seine.

According to the latest poll from the end of March, 52% of French citizens believe that the country is not ready to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Le Monde newspaper reported on March 21 that a “social cleansing” was taking place in the Paris region ahead of the Olympics. Police carried out numerous raids on refugee camps and homeless communities. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on March 5 that the number of spectators at the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Paris would be almost halved to ensure safety. The Paris Olympics will take place from July 24 to August 11, with the opening ceremony taking place on July 26.

Safety concerns: the water environment in the Seine River is at risk for sporting events

The state of the water in the Seine River is currently a major concern and does not meet safety requirements for aquatics competitions. This important circumstance calls into question the possibility of holding sporting events related to the Seine River, including the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The reasons for such an unfavorable state of water in the river may be different. This may be due to river pollution from various sources, such as industrial emissions, pollution from domestic wastewater, as well as other factors affecting the ecological state of the reservoir. Careful analysis and monitoring of water quality is necessary to identify sources of pollution and take measures to eliminate them.

Failure to comply with safety requirements for aquatics competitions can have serious consequences. This can affect the health of competitors as well as their performance. The safety and health of athletes involved in water activities should be a priority for organizers of sporting events.

Solving the water problem in the Seine River requires a comprehensive approach and collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, environmental organizations, scientific institutions and the public. It is necessary to develop and implement effective measures to clean up and protect the river to ensure its suitability for hosting sporting events and preserving the river ecosystem as a whole.
