The Power of Nature: How Dead Leaves in the Sea Help Produce Oxygen

The Power of Nature: How Dead Leaves in the Sea Help Produce Oxygen

Dead leaves falling into sea waters trigger an amazing process that turns them into valuable biological fertilizer. This natural composting process not only helps decompose plant material, but also helps produce oxygen, which is essential for the ocean ecosystem. Dead leaves thus become key elements in maintaining marine life, ensuring the health of aquatic ecosystems and promoting a sustainable balance of nature.

Underwater composts of the Mediterranean: carbon fluxes and photosynthetic activity of Posidonia

Scientists from the University of Liege (Belgium) have investigated the fate of material produced in Posidonia seagrass meadow ecosystems. The study, conducted in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the STARESO project, shows that dead leaves, known as Neptune grass, accumulate in shallow waters where they decompose through a process called composting, restoring organic matter. This process plays a previously underestimated role in carbon flows in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems.

Surprisingly, in addition to carbon dioxide emissions, oxygen production was also recorded. This is due to the presence of photosynthetic organisms living in the marine compost, which significantly distinguishes it from compost formed on land. The results of the study were published in the journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Posidonia, the flowering plant that has become a symbol of the Mediterranean and is known as Neptune’s grass, forms vast underwater meadows in shallow waters less than 40 metres deep. “This land plant, which recolonised the ocean environment a few million years ago, is a bit of an evolutionary surprise,” explains Alberto Borges, an oceanographer at ULiège. “Like many land plants in our region, Posidonia loses its old leaves in autumn. These dead leaves accumulate as litter, just as they do at the base of trees, forming large clumps around the sea grass meadows.”

These massive accumulations of fallen Posidonia leaves, their decomposition and transformation processes attracted the attention of scientists who went to the oceanographic station STARESO in Calvi (Corsica). Here they conducted a study dedicated to the study of the primary production and decomposition of organic matter in the remains of sea grass in order to better understand the processes of transformation of organic matter in the underwater meadows of the Mediterranean Sea.

“The organic matter in the litter decomposes, releasing nutrients and carbon dioxide, just like compost in a garden,” comments Gilles Lepoint. “These layers accumulate in sunny, open areas.”

“Any gardener knows that plants need light and nutrients to grow. Based on this principle, we conducted our study and made a surprising discovery: oxygen production was detected in the litter, which seemed dead and inert. This turned out to be the result of photosynthetic activity of macroalgae, detached shoots of Posidonia from nearby meadows and microscopic diatoms present in the litter,” the researchers explained.

In conclusion, it can be noted that in the nutrient medium created by the litter, all living plants associated with it actively develop and participate in photosynthesis. Although they produce oxygen, its quantity is insufficient to compensate for the volume absorbed during the decomposition of dead leaves. Therefore, such accumulations remain net consumers of oxygen and continue to act as sources of CO2 emissions, similar to the processes in above-ground composts and litters.

The second conclusion of the study was unexpected for the scientists. “We thought that the litter of Posidonia decomposed quite quickly, but this study showed the opposite, based on the data on the loss of litter mass – the decomposition process is slower,” explains Alberto Borges. “We used short-term (one day) incubations with very precise measurements of oxygen levels to study respiration.” These data provided a more precise estimate, which was lower than the values ​​obtained by long-term observations of mass loss (over several months). This discovery may revise current carbon balance calculations for such ecosystems, which until now have been based on traditional methods.

Exploring the depths: the role of Posidonia in supporting life on rocky sites and their mutual influence

During the study, the scientists also looked at the primary production and breakdown of organic matter by macroalgae growing on rocky areas adjacent to the Posidonia meadows. “We hypothesized that there might be some interaction between these two systems, which at first glance appear to be isolated and independent. And again, the result was unexpected,” says Willy Champenois.

“Despite the ability of these macroalgae to photosynthesize, they turned out to be net consumers of oxygen, rather than producers, as we expected. This suggests that the bacteria and invertebrates living among the algae use more oxygen than the algae themselves are able to create. Therefore, we can conclude that additional organic matter comes from some external source, supporting this process,” the researchers explain.

Using mass balance calculations, the scientists determined that the excess organic matter most likely comes from the Posidonia, a process that occurs through the diffusion of dissolved organic molecules that move from underwater seagrass meadows and their litter to adjacent rocky areas.

In summary, it can be concluded that a two-way exchange occurs between the macroalgae on the rocks and the Posidonia meadows. The macroalgae, detaching from the rocks, can settle in the Posidonia litter, thereby facilitating primary production in these areas. At the same time, the sea grass supplies the rocky areas with organic molecules, which the bacteria living among the macroalgae effectively assimilate. Thus, both ecosystems are interconnected and benefit each other.

This study opens up new horizons in the quantification and analysis of the organic carbon balance in the underwater meadows of Posidonia seagrass located in the Gulf of Calvi. Since the 1980s, this region has been under the close attention of oceanographers and marine biologists from the University of Liège, who carry out their research, including with the help of the marine research station STARESO.

Scottish taxis hit the environment hard: NOx emissions 84% ​​higher than cars

Scottish taxis hit the environment hard: NOx emissions 84% ​​higher than cars

A new study has found that Scottish taxis emit significantly more nitrogen oxides (NOx) than passenger cars, at 84%. The worrying finding highlights the environmental problems associated with urban transport and calls into question the sustainability of existing pollution control standards. As taxis continue to play a vital role in public transport, their impact on air quality is becoming an increasingly pressing topic of discussion among environmentalists and urban planners.

TRUE study: Scottish taxis and rental cars emit significantly more emissions than cars

Taxis, which are used extensively in cities, are significant sources of polluting emissions, according to a three-year study covering 1.4 million vehicle emissions measurements in Scotland by The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE). The report, Real Vehicle Emissions in Four Major Scottish Cities: A Comprehensive Analysis of Remote Sensing Data 2021–2023, collected and analyzed real emissions data from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen.

The study found that diesel taxis and private hire cars emit significantly more nitrogen oxide (NOx) than passenger cars, due to their emission control systems wearing out faster due to high levels of use. Taxis registered between 2009 and 2016 produced 84% more NOx emissions than passenger cars of the same age. In the cities of Dundee and Edinburgh, average emissions from taxis and private hire cars increased despite fleets being updated with new models, confirming this trend. In addition, some older diesel taxis fitted with DPFs showed levels of particulate matter (PM) emissions that suggested the filters had either been removed entirely or were in a critically poor condition.

New diesel and petrol models from Scotland’s passenger cars show significant improvements in real-world nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, driven by the introduction of stricter exhaust emissions standards across Europe. For example, the latest Euro 6d models emit 95% less NOx than Euro 3. Three-year tests have shown a 7% annual reduction in NOx emissions from private passenger cars, driven by the natural replacement of older cars with newer ones. However, some of the latest models (Euro 6d-TEMP and Euro 6d) still exceed road-going emissions (RDE) limits, with the worst offenders emitting more than twice the legal limit.

The report notes that Euro V trucks, which are among the oldest in the fleet, are subject to significant emissions increases over time. These vehicles are often found to have faulty or modified emission control systems, highlighting the need to identify these trucks and remove them from service. The document makes a number of recommendations based on the research, including:

  • Introduce mandatory NOx emissions testing as part of annual national vehicle inspections to enable early detection of major polluters.
  • Local authorities impose mileage or age restrictions on taxis and rental cars.
  • Taking measures to accelerate the renewal of the vehicle fleet and the transition to zero-emission transport.

Scotland rethinks transport habits as new data highlights need for greener alternatives

Derek McCreadie, Senior Air Quality Adviser at Transport Scotland, said: “Remote sensing technology provides accurate data on the actual emissions of diesel and petrol vehicles in urban environments. It helps to identify deviations from the standard standards and limits set for different vehicle types. The introduction of low emission zones in four major cities allows us to better assess the real levels of emissions and create effective strategies to improve air quality and the health of people in Scotland.”

Sheila Watson, deputy director of the FIA ​​Foundation and co-founder of the TRUE Initiative, expressed surprise: “It is striking that the most heavily used vehicles in Scottish cities are also the biggest polluters. Even with fleet renewal in Dundee and Edinburgh, emissions continue to rise. This clearly highlights the need to rethink how we travel in urban areas. Reducing reliance on cars and promoting public transport, walking and cycling are essential to protecting the environment and health.”

“A multi-year analysis of the study’s results gave us a more complete picture of the actual emission levels in the four cities,” said Kailin Li, a researcher at ICCT. “This allowed us to provide evidence-based recommendations that take into account gradual changes in vehicle fleets over several years, rather than relying on data collected at a single point in time.”

The aim of the Remote Air Monitoring Project was to create a database of actual vehicle emissions in Scotland and to develop recommendations for the further development of a remotely sensed air quality monitoring system in low emission zones. Transport Scotland commissioned a consortium comprising TRUE partners the International Council on Clean Transport, Hager Environmental & Atmospheric Technologies (HEAT) and Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to collect and analyze data on actual vehicle emissions from the Scottish vehicle fleet.

Scientists sound the alarm: expansion of the ‘dead zone’ in the Gulf of Mexico threatens life

Scientists sound the alarm: expansion of the ‘dead zone’ in the Gulf of Mexico threatens life

Under the influence of human activities, our planet is experiencing large-scale global changes, leading to many serious consequences. One of the most threatening phenomena is the emergence and rapid expansion of dead zones, which actually destroy and deplete ecosystems within their borders.

Expansion of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico: exceeding forecasts and increasing environmental risks

The Gulf of Mexico’s dead zone, a critically low-oxygen region that threatens marine life, has expanded to 10,790 square kilometers this year, nearly the size of the US state of New Jersey. Such a rapid expansion of the zone, which destroys all life within its limits, has caused serious concern among scientists, The Byte reports.

Scientists working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have documented an increase in the dead zone, primarily due to nutrient-rich runoff from the Mississippi River. Although the zone was the 12th largest on record, it exceeded previous projections, highlighting the challenges in reducing it. This year, the dead zone area exceeded the predicted 6,920 square kilometers, maintaining a five-year average that is twice the target size set for 2035.

Nancy Rabalais, a Louisiana State University professor and leading dead zone researcher, said she is surprised by the annual change in the size and distribution of these zones during the summer. This demonstrates the complex and changing nature of the problem. Dead zones form due to pollution from excess nutrients, primarily from agricultural runoff and urban wastewater. These pollutants lead to rapid algae blooms, which, when they die, deplete oxygen in the water, creating hypoxic conditions. This causes serious environmental consequences such as changes in fish diet composition, slower growth, and reduced shrimp populations, which negatively impacts both the marine ecosystem and the fishing industry.

The main factor in the appearance of a dead zone in the bay is human activity, although such zones can also form naturally. Nutrients from agricultural and urban runoff enter the Mississippi River and eventually reach the Gulf, promoting intense algae blooms that cause hypoxia in aquatic life. Globally, the number of dead zones has quadrupled since 1950 and climate change has only exacerbated this problem.

Increasing temperatures and changes in precipitation are increasing nutrient runoff, requiring careful monitoring of these areas. Nicole LeBeouf, assistant administrator for NOAA’s National Ocean Service, emphasized the importance of hypoxia assessment for monitoring ocean health and assessing its impact in a changing climate. Effective management and reduction strategies are required to combat the growing dead zone. Scientists believe that long-term data collection and analysis will allow authorities to adjust their methods to minimize the impact on coastal resources and local communities.

Combating the Growing Dead Zone: Necessary Steps to Preserve Ecosystems

Combating the growing dead zone is a complex task that requires a systematic approach and effective strategies. A dead zone, or hypoxic zone, is an area of ​​a body of water with low oxygen levels, making it dangerous for marine life. These zones are formed due to excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that enter water bodies with agricultural and urban runoff. The growing dead zone threatens ecosystems and fishing grounds, so urgent and effective action is needed.

The first step to solving the problem is about improving nutrient runoff management. This includes adopting more sustainable farming practices, such as precision fertilization and using technology to reduce runoff. It is also important to strengthen control over wastewater treatment plants in cities in order to reduce the level of pollutants entering water bodies.

Second step— carrying out continuous monitoring and data collection. Creating and maintaining detailed databases of oxygen levels and nutrient concentrations will help scientists and authorities quickly detect and respond to changes. This will allow you to more accurately predict the development of dead zones and make informed decisions.

Third step is a collaboration at the local, national and global levels. Combating dead zones requires the joint efforts of various countries and regions, since pollution often has a transboundary nature. The exchange of information and experience, as well as joint projects to improve the condition of water bodies, can significantly increase the effectiveness of measures to combat hypoxia.

Finally, the key element is raising public awareness of the problem. Educational campaigns and awareness programs will help residents understand the importance of reducing pollution and supporting sustainable practices.

Thus, to effectively combat the growing dead zone, comprehensive and multi-level approaches are needed, including runoff management, monitoring, international cooperation and increased public awareness. Only combined efforts will help preserve the vitality of our ecosystems and ensure a sustainable future for marine resources.

Eco-friendly travel: reducing your carbon footprint

Eco-friendly travel: reducing your carbon footprint

In today’s era, as environmental issues become increasingly prominent in public discussions, it is important to pay particular attention to environmental responsibility when traveling. Research shows that international tourism significantly increases total carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, reaching approximately 8% of global levels. This indicator covers not only the direct combustion of fuel by vehicles, but also the indirect use of resources associated with the provision of services in hotels, restaurants and other tourism infrastructure.

These data prompt us to think about the importance of a more responsible approach to the organization of holidays and travel. Each of us has a choice: continue to travel as usual, adding to the burden on the environment, or seek alternative holiday options that help reduce our carbon footprint. This applies not only to the choice of transport, but also to everyday habits while traveling, such as the use of disposable items, water and electricity consumption.

By making environmentally responsible decisions, we not only reduce our carbon emissions, but also help preserve the natural resources and beauty of our planet for future generations. This could mean choosing buses over planes for short trips, staying in eco-friendly hotels, using reusable containers and water bottles, and respecting natural resources in holiday destinations.

Conscious consumption: everything you need to know about your carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is the sum of the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses, expressed in CO2 equivalents, that are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. This indicator includes various sources of emissions, from industrial processes and transport use to household energy consumption and waste management.

The carbon footprint measures the impact of the actions of an individual, a company, or even an entire nation on global warming and climate change. Awareness and control of your carbon footprint are important steps towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible lifestyle, helping to reduce your negative impact on the environment and slow down global warming.

The most polluting industries: where is the maximum environmental damage?

  • Electricity generation and heating (25%): The largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions is the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil used to heat and light cities.
  • Agricultural sector (24%): Intensive livestock farming, agricultural production, cultivation and deforestation for agricultural purposes result in significant greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Industrial sector (21%): Manufacturing greenhouse gas emissions come not only from fuel combustion, but also from chemical reactions, metallurgical processes, mineral extraction and processing, and waste disposal.
  • Transportation industry (14%): A significant number of vehicles around the world still run on gasoline and diesel, making cars, ships, trains and planes the main sources of carbon dioxide.

China ranks first in the world in terms of CO2 emissions, twice as large as the United States.

How to travel eco-friendly: tips for minimizing harm to nature

The choice of vehicle has a decisive influence on the traveler’s ecological footprint. Despite its speed, air travel is a major source of carbon dioxide, accounting for approximately 2.2% of global emissions.

Petrol-powered vehicles contribute 14% of global CO2 emissions, highlighting the need to choose greener alternatives.

International bus transport offers an effective alternative. Capable of carrying many passengers at once, buses significantly reduce the carbon footprint per passenger compared to private cars or air travel.

Although buses cannot completely eliminate their environmental impact, using them as a primary means of transport when traveling can significantly reduce their negative impact on the planet.

New source of greenhouse gas: scientific discoveries and environmental consequences

New source of greenhouse gas: scientific discoveries and environmental consequences

Researchers at Caltech have made a significant discovery: They have discovered a new type of enzyme that allows a variety of bacteria utilizing nitrates for respiration when oxygen levels are low.

The scale of nitrous oxide production and its impact on agriculture and the environment

This process leads to the formation of nitrous oxide (N₂O), a powerful greenhouse gas that has the third largest impact on the climate following carbon dioxide and methane. Unlike carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide does not stay in the atmosphere for long,so measures to reduce its emissions can produce quick results. For example, Careful use of fertilizers can lower nitrous oxide emissions and save farmers money. It is now clear that the number of bacteria producing nitrous oxide significantly exceeds previous estimates,” says Professor Woody Fisher.

Understanding the sources of this gas assists in making better-informed decisions. Farmers will be able to take into account the microbial communities in the soil to use fertilizers more efficiently.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was led by Ranjani Murali and James Hemp. The team examined the genome sequences of tens of thousands of microbes and identified many reductases that encode proteins for using nitric oxide in respiration. This process occurs in environments ranging from wetlands to alpine soils where oxygen levels are low.

The discovery changes the understanding of the development of metabolic pathways in microbes. This suggests that the proteins responsible for nitrate respiration evolved from those that used oxygen for respiration about two billion years ago.

“Using automated metabolomic analysis without experimental validation can lead to erroneous conclusions,” cautions James Hemp. This research greatly advances our understanding of enzymes involved in microbiological processes.

The study’s co-authors also included scientists who previously held graduate studies and teaching positions at the California Institute of Technology, the University of Nevada, the University of Illinois, and Montana State University.

The impact of greenhouse gases on agriculture: challenges and adaptation to climate change

This fact Is crucial due to the substantial influence of greenhouse gases on agriculture, primarily through changes in climatic conditions and environmental parameters:

1.  Climate Change: Rising concentrations of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are causing alterations in climate conditions. This can result in higher temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and an increase in extreme weather events such as droughts and floods.. These changes can significantly impact crop growth, yield and distribution of planted areas.

2. Plant resistance: Increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can lower crop resistance to diseases, pests, and stress conditions. This can lead to a decrease in yield and product quality.

3. Water resources: Changes in precipitation and temperature also affect the availability and quality of water for agriculture. Uneven distribution of precipitation can lead to instability in water supplies, which is critical for agriculture and livestock production.

4. Biodiversity and ecosystems: Climate change is affecting biodiversity and the health of ecosystems that underpin agricultural production. Declining biodiversity and ecosystem degradation can reduce the potential for sustainable agriculture and threaten food security.

All these factors highlight the necessity to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and adapt agriculture to changing climate conditions to ensure sustainable development and food security.

Iceland opens world record carbon plant

Iceland opens world record carbon plant

Climeworks, a Switzerland-based company, has introduced its second commercial direct air capture (DAC) plant, dwarfing its predecessor Orca in size by a factor of ten. Orca, which commenced operations in 2021, served as the foundation for this leap in scale, as reported by CNN.

Direct air capture: Climeworks and Carbfix create a zero-waste process

Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology utilizes chemical reactions to extract carbon from the atmosphere. The resulting carbon can be repurposed for various applications, including underground storage or conversion into valuable products.

Climeworks intends to sequester the captured carbon underground, where it naturally transforms into rock, effectively storing the carbon indefinitely. This process, known as sequestration, is conducted in collaboration with the Icelandic company Carbfix. What sets this project apart is its reliance on Iceland’s clean geothermal energy to power the entire operation. As a result, the process of capturing carbon and converting it into stable stone occurs without emissions from the technology itself, thereby aiding in the reduction of carbon emissions.

Despite the potential of carbon removal technologies like DAC, they remain contentious due to significant challenges. Critics argue that they are costly, energy-intensive, and not yet proven at scale. Additionally, some advocates for climate action express concern that focusing on such technologies may divert attention from the urgent need to decrease dependence on fossil fuels.

Climeworks unveils Mammoth, a giant carbon capture plant

Climeworks has unveiled Mammoth, an enormous carbon capture facility. Construction of Mammoth commenced in June 2022, marking it as the largest facility of its kind globally. Its modular design accommodates 72 collection units dedicated to capturing carbon from the air. Presently, 12 of these units are operational, with plans to expand in the coming months.

According to Climeworks, Mammoth has the capacity to extract 36,000 tons of carbon annually from the atmosphere. This is equivalent to offsetting the emissions of approximately 7,800 gas-powered vehicles for a year. Mammoth represents a significant stride in mitigating the impact of carbon on the climate and underscores the potential of carbon capture technologies to address climate change on the requisite scale.

Dust storms on the rise: Scientists predict tougher times for Europe

Dust storms on the rise: Scientists predict tougher times for Europe

Dust storms are becoming increasingly common in the European region, confirming scientists’ alarming predictions of an increase in extreme weather events. Recent studies show a steady trend of increasing frequency and severity of these storms, raising serious concerns about the continent’s future climate. Scientists have expressed concern that more frequent and intense dust storms could have serious consequences for the region’s environment, health and economy, making predictions of tougher times for Europe increasingly likely.

Environmental alarm: scientists have discovered an increase in sandstorms in different parts of the globe

Sand and dust storms are becoming “increasingly common and severe” in parts of the globe, according to the United Nations. They especially affect the desert and steppe regions of our planet. In the American Great Plains, for example, the number of such storms has doubled over the past two decades. It is also worth noting that in just two months of 2022, ten sand storms were recorded in Iraq.

As the number of storms increases across the planet, scientists are racing to investigate and explain the trend. The main influencing factors are considered to be large-scale deforestation, overgrazing, soil erosion and climate change.

Professor David Thomas, from Oxford University’s Center for the Environment, notes that any human activity on the edges of deserts that reduces water bodies or removes natural vegetation increases the risk of dust storms. He cited examples of negative consequences such as the drying up of the Aral Sea and the draining of the Iraqi swamps as vivid illustrations of this.

Many sandstorms in desert areas are of natural origin. One scientist notes that parts of the Sahara are a natural source of dust in the atmosphere that is not due to human activity. For example, dry lake beds left behind by past wet climates act as natural sources of dust around the world.

The United Nations recommends land restoration and effective soil and water management to increase soil fertility and vegetation cover, among other ways to combat natural disasters. Despite the surprise of this fact, China is a leader in this field, implementing the world’s largest tree planting project.

Since 1978, when the Great Green Wall project began, more than 66 billion trees have been planted, with plans to reach 100 billion by 2050. The project aims to protect northeastern China from dust storms emanating from the Gobi Desert, offering hope for a more sustainable future for the region.

Sandstorms and health: serious risks for people

Sandstorms can have serious impacts on human health due to various factors:

Respiratory system. Dust and sand thrown into the air during storms can enter the human respiratory tract. It can irritate the lining of the nose, throat and lungs, and may worsen existing breathing problems such as asthma or bronchitis.

Diseases of the respiratory system. Long-term exposure to dust and fine sand can lead to the development of various respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, bronchial infections and even pneumoconiosis (a disease caused by inhalation of mineral dusts).

Eye diseases. Sand and dust in the air can cause irritation and inflammation of the eye mucosa, which can lead to conjunctivitis, allergic reactions and other eye diseases.

Skin health. Contact with sand and dust can also have a negative impact on the skin, causing dryness, irritation, allergic reactions and even sunburn due to the reduction of the protective layer of the atmosphere during storms.

Mental Health. Sandstorms can cause stress and anxiety in people due to the threat they pose to health and safety, especially if they occur too frequently or with high intensity.

In general, sandstorms pose a serious threat to human health, especially for those living in regions prone to such natural phenomena.

Air pollution in Europe: High levels of fine particles threaten health

Air pollution in Europe: High levels of fine particles threaten health

Recent studies indicate that air quality across Europe has seen a noticeable improvement over the last twenty years. However, despite these improvements, a considerable segment of the European populace lives in areas where pollution levels exceed the limits recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Conducted by researchers at the Institute for Global Health in Barcelona (ISGlobal), a recent study delved into the daily pollution levels across more than 1,400 areas spanning 35 European nations, collectively hosting approximately 543 million individuals. The investigation, spanning from 2003 to 2019, unveiled a decline in the the total levels of suspended particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) as well as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) throughout the majority of European regions throughout the past twenty years.

Air quality in Europe has experienced notable improvements, particularly regarding the levels of pollution from pollution caused by coarse particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), where the largest declines have been observed.

Air pollution still above WHO standards

According to the researchers’ report, despite advancements in air quality, numerous citizens still experience the negative effects of air pollution that exceed the recommended standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the study, 98% of Europeans continue to live in areas with unfavorable levels of PM2.5. Each year, over tiny particles in the air closely associated with cardiovascular disease , strokes, and diabetes, is linked to approximately 250,000 premature deaths in the European Union each year.

Although the number of deaths caused by PM2.5 fell by 41% from 2005 to 2021, the European Environment Agency encourages member states to continue efforts to further reduce pollution. About 80% of Europeans reside in regions with elevated levels of PM10, and approximately 86% experience high levels of NO2.

Ozone concentrations in southern Europe increased by 0.58%, in other regions of the continent they either remained the same or even decreased. Researcher Zhao-Yue Chen from ISGlobal notes that targeted action is required to address PM2.5 and ozone, especially in light of the increasing risks posed by climate change in Europe.

Study reveals: where are the most polluted areas in Europe?

Air pollution levels have indeed seen a decrease over the past two decades, certain hotspots persist across the continent. The most significant concentrations of particulate matter pollution (PM2.5 and PM10) are notably found in Northern Italy and Eastern Europe. Moreover, Northern Italy and specific regions of Western Europe, such as southern UK, Belgium, and the Netherlands, continue to experience elevated levels of pollution exhibit elevated levels of NO2

The largest decreases in PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were recorded in central Europe, while NO2 decreased predominantly in metropolitan regions in Western Europe.

A vicious circle: the correlation between climate change and air pollution

Researchers suggest a delicate balance exists between climate change and atmospheric pollution. Elevated temperatures and strong solar radiation play a role in generating ozone through chemical processes. The rise in ozone levels subsequently speeds up the creation of fresh PM2.5 particles. Climate change also heightens the likelihood of wildfires, which further elevate PM2.5 and ozone levels in the air.

“This intricate interaction establishes a hazardous loop, emphasizing the critical importance of addressing the dual challenges posed by climate change and air pollution.  concurrently,” remarked Joanne Ballester Claramunt, a research fellow at ISGlobal and the primary author of the study.

Methane has been leaking into the atmosphere for more than six months: BBC study on a leak in Kazakhstan

Methane has been leaking into the atmosphere for more than six months: BBC study on a leak in Kazakhstan

Last year, a remote oil well in Kazakhstan experienced one of the most significant methane emissions ever documented . These conclusions were made by the authors of the study, which had access to the verification department of BBC Verify. According to preliminary estimates, about 127 thousand tons of gas were released from the well. This incident caused a fire that lasted for more than six months.

Methane leak: Buzachi Oil company denies significant volume

Methane surpasses carbon dioxide as a potent greenhouse gas, as acknowledged by Buzachi Oil. which owns the well, and denies that a “significant volume”  amount of methane is released. As per the Greenhouse Gas Equivalency Calculator of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the ecological consequences of such a leakage equate to driving over 717,000 gasoline-fueled cars for a year. Manfredi Caltagirone, the director of the UN International Methane Observatory, expressed surprise at the scale and duration of the leak, calling it extremely significant.

Kazakhstan: devastating methane leak and controversy over causes

The leak of an exploded well in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan, which began on June 9, 2023, continued until the end of the year, causing a fire that was only extinguished by Christmas. Local officials informed the BBC that efforts are presently in progress to seal the well with cement.

Methane, the primary element of natural gas, remains imperceptible to human vision. Yet, when sunlight penetrates a methane cloud, it creates a characteristic trail that can be detected by some satellites. The methane leak was first discovered by the French geoanalytical company Kayrros. The Dutch Space Research Institute and the Polytechnic University of Valencia Confirmed the results of the analysis.

Scientists examined satellite information and detected 115 cases of high methane concentrations between June and December last year. Based on this data, they concluded that a single well leaked 127,000 tons of methane, potentially marking the second-largest methane release ever recorded.

A scientist from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Luis Guanter, believes that only sabotage on the Nord Stream could have caused such a powerful leak. Underwater explosions that destroyed pipelines in September 2022 led to the release of up to 230 thousand tons of methane.

As per the International Energy Agency, 30% of the increase in worldwide temperatures is due to methane emissions. Scientists assertion that a vast quantity of methane was released from this well, confirming this with the help of data from five distinct satellite devices. The Mangistau Ecology Department Verified that the methane levels in the atmosphere surpassed permissible standards in 10 cases from June to September. According to the statement, a few hours after the leak began, the level of methane in the air exceeded the permissible level by 50 times.

Kazakh company Buzachi Oil denies that there was a large release of methane from the well, arguing that there was only a “minor” amount of gas and any methane would have burned off when it came out of the well. They believe that only water vapor entered the air , producing significant white plumes visible from space. Deputy Director of the company, Daniyar Duisembayev, emphasized a responsible approach to the situation. However, research commissioned by the company and unavailable to the BBC may challenge Kayrros’ findings. Scientists involved in the Kayrros study reject these arguments, pointing out that their measurements were based on specific traces of methane, unaffected by water vapor or smoke.

Kazakhstan joins international efforts to reduce emissions

An official investigation into the accident in Kazakhstan showed that the Buzachi Oil company did not control the well drilling process, and the subcontractor Zaman Energo made many mistakes. The Energy Department said cleaning up the methane leak is challenging. Kazakhstan, like Turkmenistan, has experienced large methane leaks, but the incident in the Mangystau region stands out as the largest. Experts warn of the risk of new leaks with further gas production, andKazakhstan has participated in the Global Methane Pledge, a voluntary commitment involving over 150 nations aiming to decrease methane emissions by 30% before 2030.

A volcano in southwest Iceland is preparing for a new show of force

A volcano in southwest Iceland is preparing for a new show of force

The northern island nation, near the town of Grindavik, experienced its third volcanic eruption in the past month. According to preliminary estimates, the length of the crack was about three kilometers.

The event took place on February 8 in southwest Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula, as confirmed by Icelandic authorities. According to the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), a significant yet minor earthquake commenced northeast of Silingarfell, a peak in southwest Iceland, at 5:30 am. Roughly 30 minutes later, an eruption ensued in the identical vicinity. Images and footage released by local media depicted lava streaming from the fissure, illuminating the trajectory of smoke ascending into the nocturnal atmosphere.

The IMO also noted that the fissure formed in close proximity to previous eruptions in the same area. According to preliminary estimates, the length of the crack was about three kilometers, which indicates significant destruction of the earth’s surface and the activity of the volcanic process. This third eruption in as many weeks is a reminder of the risks associated with geological events in the region.(the first is December 18, 2023, and the second is January 14, 2024).

Recent events have caused alarm among the local population and led to the evacuation of the town of Grindavik due to the danger of an eruption. Geologists and volcanologists continue to monitor the situation, assessing the risks and preparedness for the possible consequences of a new eruption. These events also highlight the importance of further research into seismic and volcanic activity to ensure the safety and protection of life and property in the region. Volcanic eruptions are an integral part of the geological process and are a reminder of the importance of emergency preparedness and risk management.

Iceland: Third eruption in weeks highlights its geological activity

With the region’s third volcanic eruption in as many weeks, it’s worth paying attention to the geological activity of Iceland, which is known for its volcanic processes. There are more than 30 active volcanoes in the country. Tracking and monitoring volcanic activity plays a key role in preventing disasters and minimizing risks to communities and property.

The evacuation of the town of Grindavik became a necessary precautionary measure in light of the threat of an eruption, highlighting the readiness and ability of local authorities to quickly respond to emergencies. This also caused concern among the population and attracted the attention of the world community to the situation in the region.

Six eruptions in two years

Over the past two years, there has been a sixth occurrence of volcanic activity in Iceland. The town of Grindavik lies situated on the Reykjanes Peninsula, in the southwest of the country and has a population of about 4,000 people, mainly engaged in fishing. Until March 2021, for eight centuries, the peninsula remained untouched by volcanic eruptions. Iceland boasts over 30 active volcanic complexes, marking the region as the most volcanically active in Europe. Positioned along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an underwater mountain range dividing the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates, Iceland showcases its geological dynamism. Following eruptions in August 2022 and in July and December 2023, experts in volcanology ponder whether this heralds the onset of a fresh phase of seismic events in the area.